Jesus Hope Of Heaven
Jesus Hope Of Heaven

Your fingerprints are on my heart.
Fingerprints that teach me about caring.
Fingerprints that teach me about love.
Fingerprints that teach me about courage.
Fingerprints that teach me about hope.
Fingerprints that bring me closer to my loved ones.
Fingerprints that bring me closer to myself.
In the time I cared for you my whole life changed --
never to be the same again
All this from tiny fingerprints that touch my heart.
You will live in my heart forever - never to be forgotten.
I will always love you.
You are my child.
Tom Krause ©
I Miss Your Laughter
I Miss Your Laughter
I miss your laughter, fun, and gentleness.
I miss the things I used to do for you.
I miss the time, now filled with emptiness,
When each day was a stage for something new.
I miss your love, though mine for you remains,
A passion with no outlet to the sea,
A teardrop in a desert, that contains
What's left of my maternal ecstasy.
I miss your presence, like a silent chord
That anchored even solitude in grace.
I miss, for my love's labor, the reward
Of seeing some small pleasure in your face.
All these I miss, and yet they are all here
Within my heart, far more than I can bear.
Nicholas Gordon ©
My Angel in the Sky
Each day I look to heaven,
each day I call your name.
Each day just feels so different,
It hasn’t been the same.
Each day I always question,
I often wonder why?
You had to go away from me,
My Angel in the sky.
I keep you in my memories,
since we’ve been apart,
and I’ll always have a part of you
locked safely in my heart.
Author Unknown
Her Name Sings My Soul
The mention of my child’s name
May bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring
Music to my ears.
If you are really my friend,
Let me hear the beautiful music of her name.
It soothes my broken heart
And sings to my soul.
Author Unknown
The mention of my child’s name
May bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring
Music to my ears.
If you are really my friend,
Let me hear the beautiful music of her name.
It soothes my broken heart
And sings to my soul.
Author Unknown
We Miss You So Much
We Miss You So Much
If we could visit Heaven even for a day
Maybe for a moment the ache would go away
We’d put our arms around you
And whisper words so true
That living life without you
Is the hardest thing to do
No matter how we spend our days
No matter what we do
No morning dawns no evening falls
When we don’t think of you.
Author Unknown
For Such A Little While
For Such A Little While
God gave you your daughter
For such a little while;
He put a bit of heaven
In the sunshine of her smile
He took dust from the brightest twinkling stars
And made her sparkling eyes;
And now, she's gone back home to God,
To play up in the skies.
And though she left so quickly
That you hearts are grieved and sad,
We know she lives with God
And her small heart is glad.
And though your precious darling
Was just a rosebud small;
She'll bloom in all her beauty
On the other side of the wall.
Author Unknown
We think about you always,
we talk about you still,
you have never been forgotten,
and you never will.
We hold you close within our hearts,
and there you will remain,
to walk with us throughout our lives
until we meet again.
Author Unknown
We think about you always,
we talk about you still,
you have never been forgotten,
and you never will.
We hold you close within our hearts,
and there you will remain,
to walk with us throughout our lives
until we meet again.
Author Unknown
The Empty Womb(comfort for moms)
(comfort for moms)
I carried you so lovingly
within my gentle womb...
and little did I realize
your life would end too soon.
I never got the chance to say,
"I love you, little one"...
before I held you in my arms,
your life on earth was done.
The grief is indescribable,
to lose a child this way...
all the many hopes and dreams
were vanished on that day.
I know I'll see the sun so bright
upon my baby's face...
when I finally get to heaven,
my pain will be erased.
We'll soar the skies together,
as angels two by two...
we'll have a sweet reunion;
a mother's dream come true.
Jill Lemming
Dear Child in Heaven
You were a blessing to us all
you were a special child.
And we're so glad God sent you
to be with us awhile.
You filled our home with happiness
and made our life complete.
The time we had with you
was far too short, but oh so sweet.
It comforts us to know
you're with the angels up above.
While in our hearts we hold you close
Surrounded by our love.
Author Unknown
I Remember You
The world may never notice
If a rosebud doesn't bloom:
Or even pause to wonder if the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be
Touches the World in some small way
For all eternity.
The little ones we longed for
Were swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do
Every beating of my heart says
"I Remember You"
Author Unknown
Don't Think Of Him
As Gone Away
Don't Think Of Him
As Gone Away
Don't think of him as gone away,
His Journey's just begun.
Life holds so many facets,
This earth is only one.
Just think of him as resting,
From the sorrows and the tears,
In a place of warmth and comfort
Where there are no days and years.
Thinking how he must be wishing
That we could know today,
How nothing but our sorrows
Can really pass away.
And think of him as living
In the hearts of those he touched,
For nothing loved is ever lost
And he was loved so much.
Ellen Brenneman
Oh Precious, Tiny,
Sweet Little One
Sweet Little One
Oh precious, tiny, sweet little one
You will always be to me
So perfect, pure, and innocent
Just as you were meant to be.
We dreamed of you and your life
And all that it would be.
We waited and longed for you to come
And join our family.
We never had the chance to play,
To laugh, to rock, to wiggle.
We long to hold you, touch you now,
And listen to you giggle.
I'll always be your mother
He'll always be your dad.
You will always be our child,
The child that we had.
But now you're gone…but yet you're here
We sense you everywhere.
You are our sorrow and our joy,
There's love in every tear.
Just know our love goes deep and strong,
We'll forget you never—
The child we had, but never had,
And yet, will have forever.
Author Unknown
Sweet Child
God made a sweet child
a child who never grew old
He made a smile of sunshine
He molded a heart of pure gold.
He made that child as close to an angel
as anyone ever could be
God made a Sweet Child
and He gave that dear child to me
Then God saw His wonderful creation
growing very tired and weak
so He wrapped the child in His loving arms
and said, “You my child I keep”
But now my Sweet Child's with the angels
Free from hurt and pain
I’ll love you forever, until we meet again
So many times I have missed you
So many times I have cried
If all my love could have saved you
Sweet Child you never would have died.
Author Unknown
God made a sweet child
a child who never grew old
He made a smile of sunshine
He molded a heart of pure gold.
He made that child as close to an angel
as anyone ever could be
God made a Sweet Child
and He gave that dear child to me
Then God saw His wonderful creation
growing very tired and weak
so He wrapped the child in His loving arms
and said, “You my child I keep”
But now my Sweet Child's with the angels
Free from hurt and pain
I’ll love you forever, until we meet again
So many times I have missed you
So many times I have cried
If all my love could have saved you
Sweet Child you never would have died.
Author Unknown
I Miss You Too
I Miss You Too
Mommy please don’t be sad,
I miss you so much too.
It’s beautiful here,
but I do feel for you.
I sleep with angels watching me…
there is only love up here.
I am never lonely or afraid
because God is so very near.
I walk with Jesus every day,
He is very kind and loving.
Don’t worry Mom, He holds my hand
when we cross a golden street.
I never cry or hurt myself,
I see Grandpa every day.
I play and laugh and sing a lot
and I hear you when you pray.
Please Mommy, don’t be mad at God,
you see He loves me too.
And even though you are not with me,
I am really still with you.
Author Unknown
Mommy please don’t be sad,
I miss you so much too.
It’s beautiful here,
but I do feel for you.
I sleep with angels watching me…
there is only love up here.
I am never lonely or afraid
because God is so very near.
I walk with Jesus every day,
He is very kind and loving.
Don’t worry Mom, He holds my hand
when we cross a golden street.
I never cry or hurt myself,
I see Grandpa every day.
I play and laugh and sing a lot
and I hear you when you pray.
Please Mommy, don’t be mad at God,
you see He loves me too.
And even though you are not with me,
I am really still with you.
Author Unknown
For My Little One
I never saw your twinkling eyes
Or touched your precious feet.
I never shared a tiny yawn
Or rocked you fast asleep.
I never kissed your tiny hands
Or saw your little smile.
I never held you in my arms,
But I held you for a while.
Although I never saw your face
Or heard your precious laughter,
You're still my child whom I love
And will forever after.
© Mary Cathleen
My Child
Little feet
Little fingers
Little ears and nose
So precious, so innocent
not yet knowing what life holds
Much to learn, much to see
much to hear, much to feel
Uncorrupted, undefiled
no hate, no malice
no prejudice, no deception
Loving, wanting
adoring demanding
Two weeks from today
would have been the day
Two weeks from today
a joyous birthday
I miss you my child
my beloved first born.
Another day, another time
we shall be
Tenesia Stevenson ©
Little feet
Little fingers
Little ears and nose
So precious, so innocent
not yet knowing what life holds
Much to learn, much to see
much to hear, much to feel
Uncorrupted, undefiled
no hate, no malice
no prejudice, no deception
Loving, wanting
adoring demanding
Two weeks from today
would have been the day
Two weeks from today
a joyous birthday
I miss you my child
my beloved first born.
Another day, another time
we shall be
Tenesia Stevenson ©
When You Were Small
When You Were Small
I often think of you
When you were very small.
You left your fingerprints
On almost every wall.
Back when you were growing up
They were such happy years.
How you would smile and make up games
I remember through my tears
Some day we will be together
In heaven up above.
But for now my little girl
I send you all my love.
Linda D. Cope ©
I often think of you
When you were very small.
You left your fingerprints
On almost every wall.
Back when you were growing up
They were such happy years.
How you would smile and make up games
I remember through my tears
Some day we will be together
In heaven up above.
But for now my little girl
I send you all my love.
Linda D. Cope ©
Forget Me Not
Forget me not sweet baby,
You are forever in my heart,
I hold you close in my memory,
While we are to be apart.
Forget me not my darling,
My love to you I send,
To wrap itself around you,
Where the rainbow’s colours end.
Forget me not cherished Angel,
For every night I say,
Sleep tight my little baby,
As on your cloud you lay.
Forget me not my child,
Never shall I forget your face,
Part of our family always,
No one could take your place.
Forget me not precious one,
My gorgeous little tot,
I love you so, cherish you,
I will forget you not.
Christine Bevington ©
Forget me not sweet baby,
You are forever in my heart,
I hold you close in my memory,
While we are to be apart.
Forget me not my darling,
My love to you I send,
To wrap itself around you,
Where the rainbow’s colours end.
Forget me not cherished Angel,
For every night I say,
Sleep tight my little baby,
As on your cloud you lay.
Forget me not my child,
Never shall I forget your face,
Part of our family always,
No one could take your place.
Forget me not precious one,
My gorgeous little tot,
I love you so, cherish you,
I will forget you not.
Christine Bevington ©
A Precious Cord
A Precious Cord
by an invisible cord, not seen by the eye.
It's not like the cord, that connects us 'til birth.
This cord can't be seen by anyone on earth.
This cord does it's work right from the start.
It binds us together attached to my heart.
I know that it's there, though no one can see,
the invisible cord from my child to me.
The strength of this cord is hard to describe,
it can't be destroyed, it can't be denied.
It's stronger than any cord man could create.
It withstands the test and can hold any weight.
Though you are gone and not here with me,
The cord is still there but no one can see.
It pulls at my heart, I am bruised, I am sore.
But this cord is my lifeline as never before.
I am thankful that God connects us this way.
A mother and child, nothing can take it away.
Author Unknown
My Precious Little Girl
If i could hold you one more time
And feel your little hand in mine
To see again those eyes so bright
To tuck you up in bed tonight
To whisper in your little ear
Night night god bless Mummy's here.
Missing you my precious child.
Eileen McCarrick ©
If i could hold you one more time
And feel your little hand in mine
To see again those eyes so bright
To tuck you up in bed tonight
To whisper in your little ear
Night night god bless Mummy's here.
Missing you my precious child.
Eileen McCarrick ©
Little Snowdrop
Little Snowdrop
The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we longed for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
For every beating of our hearts
Says that we love you.
Author Unknown
“Mommy and daddy don’t cry for me
To walk this earth was not meant to be
I’m in God’s house you see
I watch over you every day
I know that you love me in a
very special way
When you look in the sky
on a clear star filled night
I’ll be like the star that is shining so bright
I love you mommy and daddy
Author Unknown
“Mommy and daddy don’t cry for me
To walk this earth was not meant to be
I’m in God’s house you see
I watch over you every day
I know that you love me in a
very special way
When you look in the sky
on a clear star filled night
I’ll be like the star that is shining so bright
I love you mommy and daddy
Author Unknown